The preliminary GRESB results for 2021 participants were released last week, and the date for the public results is fast approaching.
Despite some concern about how the industry would fare in the face of the COVID crisis, participation in this year’s GRESB assessments grew by 26% to 2,227 real estate and infrastructure entities, indicating a strong commitment to ESG issues.
Included in this, the German real estate market coverage increased by 68%, with more than 30 new entities participating. We are pleased to see increased participation in the Germany region and EnviroSustain will once again be hosting the German results event for 2021.
GRESB 2021 Real Estate Results: Germany
Tuesday 26 October
10am – 11.30am
Alongside in-depth results for the region, we will be exploring the topic of ESG data, data quality and the role of ESG software. Speakers will include GRESB experts, software providers and real estate investors. Further details will be released shortly.
You can sign up here.
This year, 1,520 property companies, REITs, funds and developers participated in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment (up from 1,229 in 2020), generating a benchmark that covers $5.7 trillion of AuM (up from $4.8 trillion). The benchmark covers nearly 117,000 assets (up from 96,000 last year), all of which are reported at the asset level.

Need help planning for GRESB 2022? We are happy to help. Just give us a call on +49 (0) 30 403 658 50 or send an email to
We are looking forward to hearing from you.