EnviroSustain is proud to publish its second annual ESG Report.
In her message, Managing Director, Dr. Birgit Memminger-Rieve said: “As we look back on 2020, we see an unprecedented year dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching social, economic, and environmental impacts.
At EnviroSustain, we have continued to support our clients from the real estate sector in diligently pursuing their ESG and decarbonisation goals. Beyond that, we have taken to improving our own ESG performance and invite you to find out more in our 2020 ESG Report.”
Our goals for the year:
- Strengthen our ESG Services
- Reduce our Carbon Footprint
- Reduce and manage waste
- Increase sustainable consumption and purchasing
- Tackle the Crisis through the global #tacklethecrisis campaign
You can view our ESG report here: https://www.esg.envirosustain.com/
We look forward to working on our goals this year and supporting our clients to reach their own sustainability goals.
If you would like support with your sustainability or ESG reporting, please contact the team.