EnviroSustain is proud to be Platinum sponsors for USGBC Live 2021. We are also sponsoring the European Track on 9th June and taking part in several content sessions, both live and On Demand, for the European Real Estate market.
USGBC Live is a new event that combines the expertise of the largest community of green building leaders with the data, insights, stories and leadership from the thousands of LEED and green building projects around the globe to produce insightful and engaging conversations about the future of buildings, cities and communities. Curated for the USGBC community, by the USGBC community.
EnviroSustain Live learning sessions!
Wednesday 9th June
3 – 3.45pm (UK)/4 – 4.45pm (Germany)
Join the ‘EU Taxonomy and LEED’ learning session with Ingemar Hunold, Partner, EnviroSustain and Melissa Baker, Senior Vice President for Technical Core, U.S. Green Building Council.
As part of the European Green Deal the EU Taxonomy was introduced to the market in April 2021. This session explains the development process of the Taxonomy and provides technical input on what that means for the building industry.
Register now for this session on the USGBC Live website.
Thursday 10th June
2 – 2.30pm (UK)/3 – 3.30pm (Germany)
Meet the Experts: Schemes and technologies to support decarbonisation in the European Real Estate Market.
In this Meet the Expert Session, Ingemar Hunold, Partner, EnviroSustain will moderate a discussion which will explore various opportunities and technologies available to the European Real Estate market on their decarbonisation journey. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Speakers: Andrew Cooper, Director, EVORA EDGE and Kay Killman, Head of Europe, GBCI Europe
Register now for this session on the USGBC Live website. This session will be also be available in the Any Time Hub.
EnviroSustain sponsored On Demand session available any time
The business case for Net Zero in European Real Estate
This podcast with Ingemar Hunold, Partner, EnviroSustain and Cian Duggan, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Carbon Intelligence will discuss the benefits of developing a net zero strategy for your business. Including the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Register now for your access to the On Demand and Live sessions on the USGBC Live website.
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